What is an online customer service questionnaire?
In order for companies to create a marketing route, they need to learn how the customer who buys a product or service has an experience. The simplest way to do this is to collect feedback. You can easily find out what the user experience is like by creating a customer service questionnaire or using a template. You can add a few questions to your questionnaire that assess the quality of service. Thus, many features of the brand that need to be strengthened or overlooked are determined.
Why use a customer service questionnaire?
Knowing what users think about your product or service and whether they will repurchase determines how you will act. At this point, there are a few issues to consider.
High satisfaction level
Consumers who experience negative customer service do not want to buy the product or service again. For this reason, it is an important step for the customer service department to learn the thoughts of the consumers by being closely involved. Problems can be identified with questionnaires asking your customer for the reason of their negative experience. forms.app's free customer service questionnaire template includes all the fields you need.
Get new customers
By identifying the users of your competitors who offer the same product or service as you, you can gain new customers with a questionnaire you create for them. If the consumer has had a negative experience as a result of purchasing from a rival brand, you will attract him to your own brand with the opportunities you will create. You can create your survey by taking advantage of the different features of forms.app.
Performance improvement
People always talk more about a negative experience they had. This is also the case in marketing. That's why it's important to use a targeted customer service questionnaire. It can be determined why users give negative feedback with short and simple questions. The customer service questionnaire you will prepare with forms.app will help you in this regard. Create an online questionnaire now and save dozens of paperwork!
How to design an online customer service questionnaire in forms.app?
forms.app offers unlimited customization to its users. You can make changes to many features of the questionnaire such as font, color, background, by customizing the template or creating one yourself. You add your own logo to the questionnaire and emphasize the corporate image. You can then share your questionnaire from any digital medium, embed it on your site, or send it via email.